Welcome to TheRealMartinSchulz
Thank Goodness! You found me!
I am the real Martin Schulz!
Important differentiators (to set myself apart from others with the same name):
1) I have hair.
2) I live in North America.
3) I do research on organizational rules (and related things like routines and guidelines), rule networks (and related things like knowledge networks), organizational learning (including rule-based learning and learning by connecting), knowledge (including organizational knowledge flows and encoded knowledge), and (most recently) the dynamics of attention (including drivers of attention, types of attention, objects of attention). This video gives a little overview of the type of research I do.
4) I don't fit neatly into boxes.
5) Ich schwafel nicht. (~ I do not blather.)
6) I am a double migrant (from Germany to US and from US to Canada).
7) I enjoy exploring critical and controversial views.
8) Politically, I am mostly Weberian.
A few bits and pieces about me are here.
My X(Twitter) handle is
Note, my X(Twitter) account is protected. My posts (tweets) are so free, they need to be protected!!!
Click to read about public and protected postings.
Note also: My X account is not a propaganda channel. It is the exact opposite -- it induces reflection, analysis, controversies, and debates. It does not create the illusion of certainties. It questions established lines of thinking, ideology and dogma.
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